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‘Sky Deck’ event at Del Mar Highlands raises nearly $1M for youth charities

A celebration benefit is underway for two local charities supporting San Diego’s foster youth, “Just in Time For Foster Youth” and “Junior Achievement.”

The new Sky Deck at Del Mar Highlands hosted the event for its grand opening.

CEO for Just in Time For Foster Youth Don Wells joined KUSI’s Teresa Sardina to discuss the event and what the organization does for foster youth.

Wells explained that the organization serves foster youth from 18 years of age until they’re 27, helping them after they leave the foster care system to be able to stand up on their own without a safety net, such as parents.

The help comes in the form of helping them get their driver’s license, helping them with their first job, or learning to manage money.

While many foster youth do not graduate from college, the group has helped plenty of foster youth make it through to graduation day.

Source: KUSI News


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